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Showing posts from July 20, 2014

Is it a puffin? Is it a puppet? - The Farne Islands/United Kingdom

“ You've Got Mail” seems like an innocent phrase. Checking my in-box, I see I have an article from Mom about the puffins that like to call the Farne Islands home for a few months out of the year from late April to sometime in June. “ Where are these Farne Islands, Mom?,” I ask her across the kitchen table because for some reason a lot of our Where Are We Traveling to Next conversations just happen to take place at said table. Turns out the Farne Islands sit off the eastern coast of the United Kingdom kind of close to the Scottish border but officially in the U.K. The islands belong to the National Trust. Other than a lighthouse that houses some park rangers, the islands are least by humans. And so it begins. The Quest to See the Puffins of the Farne Islands. Mom loves puffins. I love puffins.  I even like cereal called Puffins (not made out of puffins. mind you.  They have a picture of a puffin on the box.  If one collects the bar cod...