I know this may sound corny but it still fascinates me that I can be sipping on a mango daiquiri , enjoying balmy breezes, sunshine and temperatures somewhere around 85 degrees, listening to the Caribbean Sea lapping its waves against the shoreline in one moment and then less than 24 hours later, wham! The snowstorm of 2010 has arrived in NYC with snowfalls ranging around 10 inches and a balmy temperature of 32 degrees. Yes, yes, there was airplane travel in between those two experiences and yes, I understand the aerodynamics of flying but still...it all seems so surreal to me. Back to those mango daiquiris....they can be found at an amazing little restaurant called Tranquilidad del Mar in the town of Patillas on the island of Puerto Rico. I've never had a mango daiquiri that came served with whipped cream on top (as a matter of fact when it was first brought to the table I thought, "Whipped cream in a daiquiri? What?!) ...
....where taking the road less traveled IS the goal. The around-the-world travel experiences of Mom Estelle and daughter Estelle...yes, the two Estelles :)