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Showing posts from February 14, 2010

Puerto Rico....Roads Lost and Found - Part II

Most of our days whilst in Puerto Rico started with the best of intentions and a map (or two or three)-in-hand that turned out to be good for lots of a placemat, a decorative item, fold it up and make a paper airplane.  Lots of purposes except that which it was intended - to guide us.  A huge apology right here and now to my Mom who, not working with much in the way of map accuracy, had to put up with my less-than-calm lost driver personality. That persona is right up there with my  "I'm hungry" feed-the-animal personality.  Yes, it rhymes with witch. We saw some roads during our driving meanderings that were nowhere to be found on any of our maps.  Others that started out promising and then just vanished only to reappear miles later where one would never expect them to be.  Then there's Route 181 through the mountains; a no-guard rail, narrow winding road which should, under no circumstances, be a two-way road.  But oh, yes, it...