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Showing posts from May 12, 2013

20 Things I Did Not Know...Or Know Better Now Having Been to Panama

  1. A short story:  “I used to love to just pick those and eat them right from the tree”, our friend Miselle says as we are driving by a tree with beautiful orange fruit with a slight protrusion hanging from them.    "What is that fruit?”, Mom and I ask practically in unison.   "Cashew fruit”. “Turn around. Go back. You are kidding…that fruit is what cashew comes from? Who knew?”. Standing under the cashew tree, I suppose us three are making quite a spectacle of ourselves along the side of a country road somewhere 90 miles west of Panama City.. We are on our way to El Valle and a botanical garden called El Nispero but who can resist the lure of the cashew tree? I love cashews but I never knew that it is the seed of a larger fruit that is brilliantly orange when ripe…and looks a bit like a sweet bell pepper….and the fruit is edible too. Such is the joy of travel….the finds along the way and the education to be had long before one reache...