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Showing posts from August 25, 2013

The Great Connecticut Chicken Coop Caper

“Just remember to close the door to the chicken coop behind you so the chickens don’t get out when you do not want them to do so”, our friend Matthew instructs us as he gives Mom and I our tending-to-the-chickens-and-rooster tutorial. I silently think to myself, “Come on, of course, I would close the door behind me. Don’t be silly, Matthew. I know I am a city gal but even I can figure that out.” More sage and fortuitous words have never been spoken but I did not know this at the time. Heavy sigh. Our story starts out innocently enough. Mom and I (okay, actually Mom…I just wormed my way into an invitation) are invited to house-sit for our friends John and Matthew for one week in Connecticut. Their house is a quintessential New England white house with lovely dark green shutters. The gardens are a bloom with flowers from azaleas to zinnias…and grapevines and lilies and phlox. There are birdbaths with birds actually bathing. Gold finch, cardinals, woodpeckers and b...